Billboard advertising is the best way to advertise your business. Cost effective! Mobile advertising is a great way to gain and attract attention.

Different size trailers available to suite your needs.

We currently have the following sizes :

  • LARGE – 42 square meter 3 panel (2 panels of 6m x 3m and 1 panel of 3m x 2m)


  • MEDIUM – 25 square meter 3 panel (2 panels of 4m x 2.5m and 1 panel of 2m x 2.5m)


Trailers are moved twice a week to different locations carefully picked to suite your requirements.

Every time your trailer is placed on a new location you receive a notification including a photo and details of the new placement.

All our trailers are well maintained roadworthy,  licenced and legally placed according to counsel by laws.


